
The sleep was so welcoming to Ril'o as he lay curled up, his ears and eyes only seemed filled with the silence of his own black dreams. At the moment a blank dream seemed even better, staying in the relaxing silence as his green eyes hid away behind his lids. Breathing was the only movement as shoulder and chest still pulsed in his sleep, but now it didn't bother him as much or maybe he just learned to sleep through it. It seemed a loud cry invaded his ears sending a startled wave through Ril'o as his golden body instinctively shoot up, but sadly such sudden movement brought a snarl like cry of pain from himself as the bits of wood still left stabbed into his shoulder as the whole wound itself was sore and easily reopened. Pushing his teeth together Ril'os drowsy ears remembered what rose him in the first place, limping slowly to the window his green eyes search out the young female; and the first then he ntoiced was she was an outsider. Standing for a moment Ril'o took a few breathes as his wound bleed lightly on his bright coat. Blinking his eyes drifted down on the stranger and the new pup that smelled like a pack member."What's going on?" His voice was not angry but merely tired.
table by Svara


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