Springtime is the land awakening

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/vazzi/bottom.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Attila stuffed his chest with pride of Noir's comment. He felt good with that, and with those clothes. Theyy were comfortable and cool. Who knew? He felt like those street gangsters he saw once in a book's picture -he sneeked on his mother's stuff. So what?- They looked fine.

As the sub-leader started to talk, he wasn't paying any attention at him. The pale boy was searching for any sign of his brother, or his mother -so he could ask where the heck he was. Maybe his logic had failed this time.

His grayish blue eyes noticed Noir going to act as the baby she was with a packmember. He reconized her as the woman that was bothering him that day they were playing, when there was a wet snow in the ground. Oce was going to sniff something in the fire, as some of the others were doing. He made a face in that -why to sniff smoke?- and turned to Dawali. "Where if the food? the Aston boy asked bluntly, with a grumpy and bored face at the same time. Besides Claudius, he was here for the same reason as Noir: food. He wasn't going to do nothing until they tell him where it was.


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