Cherished dreams are never asleep

Words: 300+

Deuce wordlessly acknowledged her greeting, and Coli relaxed beside her, curling her plumed tail about her slender hips. The crackling bonfire was comfortably warm from where they were seated. She had expected a quiet evening alone, but to her surprise, Mew approached her with outstretched hand. Pleasantly surprised, Coli shook her hand in greeting, warm smile lighting up her soft blue eyes. "Auntie Mew! It's good to see you again...! How is L-Lubomir? Aren't your nephews getting large already?" Her tail waved a slow tempo behind her, as she was both anxious and happy to see her relative. Mew's snowy-white fur shone pale in the darkness, reflecting the fiery hues from the merry blaze behind them. Nearby, she heard a familiar tenor voice conversing - it was her friend Rath, introducing himself to Deuce. How sweet of him, she mused, her smile spreading wider. This evening was more fun than she had first expected. Then she caught sight of a lone silhouette, and her smile faltered for a moment.

"Firefly..." she breathed softly, firelight glinting on the soft cream hues on her delicate muzzle. The Solum stood in the shadows of the outskirts of the group, so proud, so lonely, gazing hard-eyed at what she once had. Coli felt a pang of something she never thought she would for her angry Sadira cousin - pity. Haku Soul had abandoned her, as he had abandoned everyone else in his life that had ever held any importance. The only one who appeared immune to his ability to shed acquaintances was Mew herself, and Coli had no idea how fragile that relationship actually was. The introverted werewolf wanted to say something - to offer her a seat, or to at least offer her condolences - but she lacked the heart to do so. Firefly scared her, was harsh and cruel when they had met, and wasn't likely to have mellowed out after the shame she had been put through. Despite everything, though, Coli wished her brothers were living with Firefly rather than their father - being a single parent was not Haku's strong point.


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