It's that time of the month
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Crappy post XP

The boy felt the adult falling down, but didn't let go. The water got closer and closer, and his lightish fur got soaked wet. His prey twisted around the legs, the ones he held with wild determination. It was too strong, but the Aston kid wasn't going to give up, no matter how much it complained about. Holding strongly to one of his legs, he let go of the other so he could stand up. It was funny, and dangerous in the same time. After all, Dawali was the sub-leader and deserved his respect... but the large-sized boy never did. Always with his brute horse play, expecially with his brother, he had a sense of humor. Unfortunately, not everyone understood it.

His instincts demanded for him to shake the excess water in the long fur, but still told him to keep holding the prey. Thrilled with that battle in his head, he shook the water off his fur -as much as he could- while still holding Dawali's leg. It would be a very fun scene, if someone looked at it.


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