Character Name: Mahlouk
Character Birthdate (including year): 10/13/07
Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci
Species: luperci
Gender: Male
A secondary form of contact: pmsingtiger@hotmail.com I know I know PMSingTiger T__T
I Rp here to much D:
Initial post:


Mahlouk lay at the border with Boo at his paws. Of course many would wonder why a grown male would be carrying around a teddy bear, but he was. Keeping his face static he lay down for a few moments not wanting to really draw attention to himself. His scarred body could sometimes do that for him, and Mahlouk really didn't like that. Blending into the background was good for him, he loved to tell stories and hunt. All these things though took courage to talk to people, and though he wasn't a coward to death, he was to embarrassment.

He stayed in his wolf form, or rather hybrid because he was only half wolf while his father had been a white German Sheppard and his mother the white wolf. He to would be pure white if it wasn't for the blood stains on his coat that had refused to come out after time. Sighing he got to his paws. He wanted to seek Jazper out, but the probably was he didn't want to bother the male, so he stayed put in hopes that he would get somewhere soon.


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