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Someone had been inside the quaint little room. It wasn't the same as the last time he remembered seeing it. The blankets had been moved, shuffled around, and it seemed as if someone had scavenged through the place at one point or another. Seeing it all made him hopeful but not hopeful enough to keep the doubt in his heart and mind from springing forward. She had been a stranger, after all, no matter how alike he had felt to her in whatever way it was. Still, she had mentioned Laurent by name, said that he had returned and was looking for him. How would she have known that he had gone in the first place?

Stepping further into the empty room, Jasper turned his back to the bed, settling down in an awkward fashion on the very edge. He inhaled, sniffed and struggled and tried again, but it did him no good. Someone had obviously been in there at some point or another but, because he could no longer smell, he couldn't tell how long ago that it was or even if it actually had been Laurent. Despite the unsuccessful search for the man that he had missed so badly, Jasper couldn't bring himself to leave. At least not yet. "Laurie?" He called out into the silence, timid and quiet, hoping he might get an answer back.


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