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 I'm sorry I suck. Been so busy lately, and I kind of thought we were waiting for Firefly :o 300+

For a moment there was safety and comfort in his thick, shaggy fur. It was as if it was all a part of a bad dream, but that safety was returning. However, the girl was wrong. Pain embraced her tail, and her dull claws drew lines in the dirt when she was dragged away from the safe chest. Her jaws snapped tightly shut to hold on a piece of fur from the man, but the force that had caught hold of her tail was too strong, and the small piece of fur she had relied on was ripped out, but the big man did not even seem to notice. Not that Noir noticed any of this herself. Her mind was numb and barely functioning and her eyes were blinded by the thick, salty rivers that ran down from each eye socket. There was pain and she could smell her own blood. This was not right, but this man was another wolf and he had given her his name. He was hurting her, but why why? A set of jaws snapped shut right in front of her, and the tan girl closed her eyes, letting a series of sobs hiccup out of her. What was happening and whyyy.

Oceane’s voice broke through, but by the time the golden eyed girl had recognized the voice, the words had passed. The big man started to whine, and when the girl opened her eyes she saw him running in circles with something big and Ocèane-like hanging from his tail. That was all she needed to see. She turned around and started running in a random direction, not aware that she was running away from Aniwaya rather than deeper into the lands. Uncontrollable sobs shook the child, and her run was not very fast. She was torn, because she had left Ocèane behind. The girl slowed down more and then did the only thing she could think of. She cried for help. ”HELP, BRENNT IS EATING ME AND OCE, HELP HELP HELP!” The tiny girl tried to utter a howl, but the sound was interrupted by her crying. Why was the world so mean?


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