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She had not realized how thick and clingy the muck had been when she'd perched behind the tree to spy on the buck. She was not happy as she began to discover just how strong the mud clung to her paws as she dabbed at the water harder and harder, speckling her pelt with splatters from the river as she lost her temper. Huffing to herself she squealed her annoyance at the muck and made a face as she realized just what she was going to have to do. She was not amused now at the spy game she had been playing, infact she didn't think she ever wanted to go spying on another anytime soon.

Lifting her paw close to her face she made a grimace as she was about to lick the muck from her toes as suddenly a voice called through the air. Relieved that she didn't have to start the horrible process of grooming out the muck between her toes she instantly set her paw back down and glanced around, finally catching sight of the other as she frowned. "I don't wanna lick it off either.." she whined to the stranger, at the point of believing that there was no other way of getting the nasty substance from her pelt.

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