I have seen it

She had expected something more cheerful than the giggly person, but one could not have all. Her scarlet orbs rested comfortably on the older male until another creature made its appearance. The youth turned slightly to take in his form, and she could immediately see why Gabriel had been referred to as a dog. Not because he was unworthy of another name, but because he actually looked like one. It left no doubt in her mind that this was the Gabriel. Her dark fur bristled slightly without her taking any notice of it. Her lips slightly parted as her brain worked to find a suitable introduction to present, but it was ruined by the purple coyote with the silly name.

The child snapped her jaws tight shut before bringing back her coy smile. Maybe it was for the best that she let the boy talk. Her gaze had discarded her greeter to stay on the warm orange of the Inferni leader. She remained quiet to indicate that she had at least some discipline. Her time would come.


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