what a nasty one he is

Skylar nodded and watched him sit down next to her and start chewing on the twigs. His words were fact to her, she knew her father loved her, but it didn't mean he wouldn't be dissapointed or even disgusted with her choices. Taking in a deep breath she leaned her head back against the trees rough bark. Should she just let it all out and tell him everything? Knowing Jefferson she doubted he would tell anyone anything, he was a good listener and she knew she could trust him.

Looking at him so he knew she wasn't afraid Skylar started. "When me and my brother went back to the port we were happy, but I couldn't fit in. Where Ty was able to adapt to people I was so shy and akward it was hard for me. Well it wasn't much later that a man named Kaden......" She paused and fiddled with her hands almost afraid to tell him, but she got past the knot in her throat and continued. "Kaden came to the port and he got me alone behind some buildings and raped me. The whole time he told me that I would have to learn to be strong or he wouldn't be the last male to do this to me."

Skylar looked at Jefferson for a moment embarrassment flooded her at talking about Kaden. Shouldn't it be akward talking about sexual things with a man that she considered her uncle? The beautiful girls hands smoothed at her shirt and continued for the second time. "At first I was mad at him for doing it to me, but then I understood that what he had done was the thing I needed to break free, stop being so self constious. I guess I found strength in his brutality. It's probably wrong to say I went up to him and thanked him, don't think any rapiest has that saticfaction. I left with Kaden on his ship with out telling my mother or Brother where I was going. I'm sure it was wrong, but I don't think I could stay there and live like Ty was."

Without her voice the woods were silent. She plucked the flower from her ear and studied it. Would Jefferson think she was gross for falling in love with the man that had stolen her innocents? She wasn't sure. A grin set on her face, light and delicate but there. "I'm a pirates women I guess you could say. You can see why I wouldn't want my father to know?" The grey female said softly as the fiddled with the purple flower.


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