how does it feel, to be without a home

"Go where you want. Do what you want to." His replies were as simple and blunt as ever. To someone like him, who always acted on impulse, following his every whim, it seemed like such an obvious answer. Why question yourself? Just act, act, act. Actions speak louder than words. Never stop moving forward. "Why pretend? Be a knight. It is that simple! Life is what you make of it."

The Frenchman chuckled, almost feeling the reason behind the youth's apprehension. "Firefly, Svara, they are strong women... but les attitudes get them in trouble. Why else would you find such ladies of influence, living like outcasts? Too proud to ask for help. Then there are the needy ones, such as petite Ruri, who have to rely on others all of their lives, and feel shame because of it. They all need someone to stand up for them, even if they are loathe to ask." He reached below the counter, dragging up a new bottle without looking to see what it was. A small growl bubbled from his cream-furred throat as he used his sharp fangs to wrest the top free, spitting it to the floor. Triumphant this time, Jac raised the bottle in his sole hand, pouring gulps of the fiery brew down his gullet. "Feu! Now that is the good stuff," he purred, long tail stirring up dust on the counter. "What was I saying? Ah - you have no need of training, you learn from experience. I'll brawl you, monsieur, if you like the practice...!" Already buzzing with recklessness, the big male flexed his fingers into a fist, grinning madly. He did so love to fight...

"This, I like," he said suddenly, his attention abruptly rerouted by the glint of something shiny. "A ring in your ear... I like the looks of it." His pale fingers nearly brushed against the small metal hoop dangling from Haven's snowy-white ear, but he withdrew them in a rare act of considerateness. Perhaps it would hurt him, to handle the piercing. He had seen earrings before, but only from a distance. His former pack lived in too much poverty to afford such bangles, and too much squalor to risk the infection of a piercing gone awry. His greedy mind was now transfixed on the idea, though, and was already trying to calculate how he could get his own. "Is... your sister cute?"


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