Mommy knows best


........ The man’s words drifted around and around in her head, and she couldn’t take it anymore. Her mother came into view through the dark, and the girl padded towards her, her tail waving uncontrollably around everywhere. Mommy was here and it was time for her to tell Ho-man to find her baby and stop being cruel and a liar. Her mother poked her head out to take a look at the adult that had followed her daughter home, and Noir’s face turned to Honoré, a little self-content grin spreading on her face. She had warned him that her mother would be angry, and now he would face the consequences. The girl could not recall having acted so devilishly.. ever. She was not sure if she liked herself, but the man had made her sad and a bit angry. Worst of all, she had lost both a magic rock and an egg with a baby that she could have pretended was her own.

........ Her mother came with a question, but Noir’s mind had already managed to drift to a name the white man had called her. Mommy, what is a penguin?” Her heart sank a bit when her mother decided to smile at the stranger. A smile? Was mommy so angry that she started to smile? Then it became obvious that Tayui knew the Ho-man, and the girl fell backwards on her bum, feeling very confused, because the man had not said he had known her mother. ”He was mean, he took I from my no-haired baby!” This was important! He had taken Noir’s newborn baby from her, and he had been mean! She needed her mother to shout and be angry and scare the unpleasant man away! What if Noir told her that he had carried her in a strange way upside down! Would she smile then, knowing what her daughter had been through?! ”Mommy! He held Noir upside down and carried I away!”


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