Mommy knows best
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He really didn’t like the way the pup was smiling at him, so he stuck his tongue out at her. She was a brat, an ungrateful one at that. Honoré had saved her life and was now getting hell for it. Hazel-colored eyes did not leave his target, too focused on the twisted child to spare at look at her mother. “You little-“ he started, shaking his right fist in her direction. He was going to get her back for ruining his day! Before he even had time to say anything else, the brat’s mother moved in to protect her penguin-like daughter.

His gaze met hers and the world stopped spinning. Those eyes, he knew them well. It made sense now. Little Noir was annoying, just like Tayui had been at that age. And they both seemed keen on associating him with poo. He was dumbfounded. Instead of saying something intelligent, his eyes wandered from his sister to the pea-brained child. Honoré was at a loss of words. “Good to see you” didn’t seem like an appropriate thing to say, and he couldn’t think of anything else.

Noir spoke up again, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had settled between the two adults. She wasn’t done ratting him out, obviously. "Why don’t you tell your mommy you call me a girl and say my eyes are poo?!” he blurted, cutting the girl’s last sentence short. He turned to his sister and promptly explained the situation before she got involved. “Eille! Elle est fatiguante! Elle voulait adopter un bébé serpent et j’lui ai dit non! C’est tout!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.


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