ciao, zio

She didn't understand the concept of being a loner right now, though she had in the past. Maybe he needed time to himself, time to do whatever he wanted wherever he wanted without having to worry about pack duties. She didn't know what she would do without her tribe, though, without Dawali and Asha and all of the others. She liked helping them, really, and was at a place in her life where she was ready to settle down in one area.

"Wow, thanks! We could have a meal together sometime, maybe. Have you ever tried using driftwood in a fire? It turns the flames really cool colors. We could experiment!" She grinned. Sounded like a plan to her! She'd definitely seek him out soon! "Naw, he won't mind a bit" She said in reference to his comment about the horse. Bayard nodded his head in response as well, as if he understood. "You'll be good, huh Bayard" She said, laughing. "Justs take a hold of his mane and swing your leg over. That's what I always did."


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