the writing in the sky

The male arrived near the base of the tree shortly after Anu did, panting a little but exhilarated by the freedom of the kite. He stood close to where she did, eyes fixed on the trapped creature and trying to figure out how one might climb up to free it. The first branch was quite high off the ground, but after that they seemed close enough to climb to safely. It was the highest branches, closest to the kite, that the male was most worried about; they were more limber and he wouldn't trust their strength.

Anu offered her service and Hemming nodded in return, grinning and still catching his breath. Moving forwards and placing a hand on the trunk while he looked up, he turned his head back to her and said, "Do you want a boost?" The male had climbed a few trees in his day, but he always found that getting onto that high first branch was the hardest. Having relatively weak arms, he wasn't able to pull himself up, and his usual method was a rather awkward squirmish up the trunk. It would have been nice to have a boost when he was out there, all alone.


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