the writing in the sky

The female looked upward. The large maple towered over her, experienced eyes looked up the aged tree and could not help by wonder how old it was. Her mind wondered, eyeing the width of its trunk, the height and size of the lowest branches. The kite was not so fortunate, caught by the tall veteran. Her soft paw touched the rough cracked bark, eyes peering at the canopy until Hemming approached and answered her. She nodded while she thought, the branch too high for her small stature. Her claws could help if she had been alone and needed to scale the tree, but if he were offering Anu would gladly accept.

Turning towards him Anu formed her plan and quickly moved to execute it. Ok. Anu spoke as she prepped herself for the climb. Just as before, when saving the jellyfish Anu was growing a bit more serious about the rescue then Hemming seemed to be. His smile remained as hers disappeared and concentration replaced it. Not that Anu found this troubling, or even noticed. Moving beside the trunk and beneath the lowest limb Anu faced him, placing her two paws heavily on his shoulders she spoke again. I’m ready

this was made by James, <333

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