the sun's coming up

It had been way too long, Ryan knew that. She had neglected her one true friend, and hoped that Savina had been happily busy in the meantime. Ehno had told Ryan that the puppies were soon due, but that had been what… almost two months now? She choked down a breath, feeling the guilt swirl in the pit of her stomach. Though she knew there were a few excuses she could offer, none could really stand to be tested. She knew that was all they could ever be… excuses.

But when the Centurion arrived at Crimson Dreams' borders, she was ready. She took the time to wash her dress in the river, laying it out in the sun to dry. Her hair was half pulled back, tied with a purple ribbon to match. Since it had been so long, she wanted this meeting to be special. Plus, she had a feeling she would be meeting a couple new faces today – she wanted to look her best. Ryan, eager to see her friend in what seemed like forever, let out a call for the Italian beauty to greet her.


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