worn by time and wormholes
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... table_.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Kansas, himself a bookworm, could also think of nothing more enjoyable than looking for fossils at the moment. There was certainly a chance that they wouldn't find anything else, but the idea that they might, that there was a wealth of preserved creatures hidden in the stones around them, thrilled him. Though the male answered simply, Kansas caught the spark of delight in his golden eyes that nearly matched the one in his own. He watched as his counterpart deftly marked the area with his fossil in an arrangement of other stones, wondering if he would have thought to do that.

Kansas bent to sniff at the stone, just in case it might have a differing scent from that of the ordinary rocks strewn about. It was about the same. He had thought so; just because one stone was a fossil didn't mean it was comprised of different material than every other. He looked up to see his shifted acquaintance strolling toward a crumbling area of rock near the cliffs, and sped up to follow him. Flashing a grin up at the man, Kansas began examining promising rocks, turning them over with his nose if he didn't see anything on the side that was showing.

After about twenty minutes, Kansas was shocked to find something. The stone before him had the imprint of some kind of creature; it had one body, from what he could see, and several legs blooming from either side. It looked like a spider of some kind. "H-Hemming," he called. "I think I found something!" It really was too difficult to keep the excitement out of his voice.


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