worn by time and wormholes
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... table_.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Kansas was not lost on how amazing was the world that humans had left in their wake. Whenever he went into Halifax or any other human town, Kansas found new objects whose uses seemed impossible to understand. He thought back to the CD player that Giggle had shown him, how, without the tattooed man, he wouldn't have had any idea what the thing was and would have passed it by. Humans had left behind a mystery that wolves were trying to solve.

The creatures that had formed into the fossils the two males had found had done essentially the same thing. Worn by time as they were, the clues were less clear, and they would have to fight harder to understand. It was almost overwhelming to consider. He wondered if the picture of the spider's skeleton was actually the hardened skeleton within the rock or simply an impression that the rocks had formed around the skeleton, wearing it away until it had formed a picture. As if time was a camera.

Before turning his attention back to the search, Hemming whispered to Kansas, the wonder in his voice nearly identical to his own. "I didn't... think we'd actually find more. I guess we will." he said with a smile. He shoved some rocks around his find in a rough circular shape, as his counterpart had done, and went back to looking around himself. But had what he wanted; he only needed one. He decided that if he found anything more, he'd give it to Hemming. As he flipped over a large stone and found it to be nothing out of the ordinary, Kansas spoke to his friend, "Do you know where... where I might find a book about these?" He figured Hemming would, since he seemed to know more about fossils than Kansas. He had to have read about them somewhere.


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