White Lines & Red Lights
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Had this lovely little encounter occurred on any other day, had Ehno’s thoughts not been so heavy with the disappearance of his sibling, perhaps he wouldn’t have been so blunt with his initial questioning of the stranger. The Italian wolf would have been a little more open, a bit friendlier like his usual self, albeit still very suspicious of the direct and determined intrusion. It didn’t seem like it would have made much of a difference, though; the boy looked like he would have responded just as disrespectfully no matter how he may have approached him. The arrogant nod and shrug the trespasser offered confirmed that fact, the simple act enough to cause the Sergeant to let loose the growl that had been building in his chest.

He snorted in disbelief at the stranger’s next spoken response, a terse and agitated laugh. He had been expecting an insolent response like this, but it still served to fuel his building rage. What did it look like? Let’s see, he was definitely trespassing, showing blatant disrespect on the borders of claimed territory, pissing off the Sergeant… the list could go on. Ehno moved to step in front of the intruding male, disrupting his path leading deeper into the territory. His amber gaze remained steadily on the boy as he moved, the snarl still menacingly sitting on his features. “Looks like you’re about to get your ass out of here. Think you will need an escort?” he shot back, Italian accent coming out thick in his agitation. Whether this hybrid boy decided to take the easy or the hard road out was up to him.

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