Here we meet for the last time
As agreed, he got her good once her leg was taken out. We've discussed ways for her to escape from this position before, so please feel free to employ anything you know should work (if you come up with a blank, I think that even this rage that has taken him would be overridden by his sense of mortality, so if she gets his neck or something, he'll have to get off of her regardless of all other factors...good thing she's got a professional's calm, eh? =P).

The pain was a shock to the beast's system. It had expected her teeth to sink in, but not sheer off. The thin layer of flesh on the top of its head bunched up between her top and bottom jaw, and then that piece of scalp had simply come away. It released her leg and yelped loudly, jerking away quickly, a slight shiver to its movement a clear indication of the trauma. Its eyes showed everything, the pain, the fear, the sudden shift of emotion within the simplistic mind driving the hulk.

Nonetheless, once the initial shock was over, the predator eyed its attacker, and recognized the vulnerability of her position. She'd had time to rise, but her leg was still grievously injured. Blood ran down over its left eye and slid along its nose, the edges of the rivulet coagulating and forming drying spikes of fur. It had received the worst so far, but with only three legs, it could take her life, and it intended to. It snarled gloriously, its entire body shaking with the bestial proclamation. It rushed her, plowing into the smaller woman, all snapping fangs and raking claws. Blood spattered copiously from the wound on its head, and it was being blinded by the growing river of scarlet water. Nonetheless, it knew the feel of this part of the fight, and eventually managed to take the dominant position it was so familiar with.

Blindly, the giant came down again and again at her face and chest, summoning a fury that would not be stopped by mere pain. Whatever damage she did to it, it would kill her here! Adrenaline coursed through its body as it railed against its shaking limbs, and though it was losing precision, its strength had not abated. With its foe trapped beneath it, it did not fear after its failing accuracy and progressively hindered range of vision...she was restricted to the space between its forelegs, and it didn't need either of those things to kill her there. Abandoning everything else, it embraced its wolven ferocity to carry her away in a tide of bone and blood, and carry its own body safely through the battle. The natural power of this beast must surely defeat the technical skill of the warrior.

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