it's gonna be a bloodbath
[html]; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom center; border:1px solid #FFFFFF; text-align:justify;"> LOL. I agree. xD

    In many ways, Gabriel was like fire. He was uncontrollable and unstoppable, the wildcard that she hadn't even known she could count on to return. Indeed, she'd thought she'd lost him when he was young—but he had returned, time and time again, to serve her and Inferni for his own inexplicable reasons. She was grateful, regardless of his motive—so long as she was concerned, he was the eldest son and he was fulfilling his duties in that role remarkably well. Kerberos had been lost to Salvaged years earlier, and Gabriel had taken up that spot at her right in his absence, and though neither Kaena nor Ahren (at least, not to her knowledge anyway) had ever delivered explicit instructions to the golden-furred male on how to be the eldest son.

    The coyote did not detect any lack in his voice or his actions; to her this was a moment of perfect reconcilation, though somewhere in the pit of her belly she knew all would never be completely healed between her and Gabriel. Even so, she would not let that lurking thought ruin her moment, and she held him for one more moment before stepping back, listening to him. The offer was unexpected and it delighted the ashen hybrid, though she did not wish to appear too eager. "I would like that very much," she said as evenly as she could, though the happiness was plain on her face. There was something lighter about her now, a visible shift from the pained, haggard creature who had found Inferni once again. She was still worn from her journey, but now there was something shining in her that had been on the brink of being extinguished for too long.


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