where we will, we'll roam
Oceane had narrowed her eyes as she watched her brother from a short distance. She didn't trust him as far as she could throw him, which wasn't far at all. The fact that he'd achieved something before the rest of the litter only presented her with more problems. She knew he'd find someway to use this new form to put them all at a disadvantage. She wondered for a moment if she would shift soon too but she didn't care that much at this one moment as long as she could keep away from her mischief making brother.

When he gave her an answer finally she just wrinkled her nose and smirked. "Momma said there's some things you won't be able to do in that form that this one is better suited for." She always did like to point out his faults and flaws, it made her feel a little better to know that his ideas weren't always the best and there was logically some way she could best him.

She had lifted her nose in the air only second before he'd changed his attitude and had come barreling at her. Her eyes opened wide as she saw the lumbering form of her shifted brother coming after her. She quickly and nimbly brought herself out of his path as she let out a cackle at his slow antics. "You're worse than a bumbling newborn!" she squealed as she pranced out of his reach.

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