It has come to this...the child stumbles his last
Going to pm you about damage, didn't write any in this one. Sorry about the wait, had to eat dinner ><

The sounds of the storm outside grew in volume, and the predator became worried that it might miss it if its enemy entered. Fortunately, it was not so frightfully soundless as the black female, and the boards creaked beneath its weight. The gray prowler sat low on its haunches, the muscles of its body--scored though they were--poised to pounce. Everything was perfect. The dark house gave away the approaching male with every step, and funneled the wind coming through the doorway around the rooms and back, carrying the scent that permeated the entire dwelling: the scent of the beast. Every fiber within the house seemed to favor its current resident, from the shelter it provided to the adopted smell to the betraying floorboards, to the wall behind which the desperate, vengeful predator lay in wait. The house concealed the monster and exposed the interloper. It knew that it held every advantage here in its lair. One more battle before the night's end, and it would be a short one.

The predator's hackles raised slowly as its bestial glare focused on the small square of dim gray that was the window. The creaking was growing closer...not too eager, no, the footfalls were hesitant, but they were still growing closer, and wounded or not, the beast was ready for them. There was blood yet on its claws and the taste was fresh in its mouth, it could bear to shed a little more before it turned in for the night. After this, it would abandon this place: one too many wolves had appeared knocking on its door. One more killing, and then it would move on to new lands and new prey, deer and rabbits for itself, and children for the demented mind it had at other times. Just one more, a few days of rest, and it would be away from here, leaving the territory's angry parents behind. The floor in front of the beast creaked loudly.

Lightning flashed outside, and the room was lit in stark white. Just inside the doorway, half of its body still in the other room, the intruder stood. The outline of the predator was instantly clear, and though no colors could be made out against the monochrome flash, its eyes glinted white against the glare as they stared into the face of its pursuer, and the twisted expression of murderous intent on its face was clear as day as it lunged to tackle its enemy to the floor, leading with its fangs.

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