

Make it go away? The golden girl shook her head in desperation. He had not even seen it. It was huge, and had large horns and was very big! Noir mewled in despair and turned away from her useless brother. What was she supposed to do? She had never seen a real monster before, and certainly not made one go away. Her mind was not the only thing that ached. Her whole body throbbed painfully along with her increased heart beat. The circle of light now seemed more threatening than ever. Who would have thought Noir would prefer staying in the dark? She had to. She was a good mommy, and good mommies saved their babies from danger! Yes. New courage flooded into the blonde girl, and her golden eyes received a new, harder glint that was an almost foreign look for the lovable Aston child.

When she slowly rose up from the den entrance, she suddenly wished she hadn’t. Baby Duck was awake and left the box, but did only get a few steps before a giant foot like thing crushed it down against the earth. The worst part was that there was no sound from the small bird. The girl’s short life passed in front of her eyes and her head felt unnaturally light. Then, Noir realized what had happened. ”Noooooooooooooo!” the puppy screamed, her voice soaked in true despair. No! ”Baby Duck, nooo!” It could not be true. It couldn’t. Her lungs burned for air, and no matter how hard she tried to inhale, it simply did not work. The girl lost her footing completely, her vision darkening.

The giant animal was still there, although it seemed to stand still. Golden eyes sought after the grey form of her beloved Baby Duck in desperation, but she could not see anything but that big, horrible monster, and that was through a thick film of the liquid that quickly was filling up in her eyes.


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