you thought you'd never shed a tear?

The darkness seemed to seep right out of the doorway, grasping at her hand as she held fast to the door. Despite the hesitation, she couldn't seem to keep herself from leaning forward, letting blue eyes wander through a small portion of the darkness. It was lighter further in yet her eyes still needed time to adjust, making it almost impossible to pick out any shapes or forms that were lurking there. There was no sound, no movement, and Rachias wanted to tell herself that she was being foolish and there really wasn't anything there at all. It was all her imagination, something conjured up in her head by the pain that she still felt over the loss of her father. The scent was something that she wanted to smell (was it really?) and because of that it was the very thing that her mind fooled her with. She wasn't there in that old ship. She wasn't in these lands. Her mother was never coming back.

The silence was lifted after only a moment more, the darkness melding in to something that she could actually recognize. There was a form there, the sound of uneven feet, and soon enough she was able to make out the creature that lumbered through the darkness toward her. It's Samael. Run. She told herself in her head, still unable to forget that night in that house, unable to forget the masked man who had saved her from the hands of her own brother. He was long gone though, just like the woman that her imagination had mustered up. Arkham had run him off that night.

The form of the creature stopped suddenly, leaned in against the wall as if in pain, and Rachias blinked hard a few times, leaning farther in. Her own name was uttered just as the details of the woman finally hit her eyes and for a moment she went cold. There was no denying the identity of the cyclops of a woman standing there against the wall. She would always remember that missing eye, remember wondering what might have happened to make it go missing.

After a few moments sense and reason finally caught back up with her, though the initial shock of finding herself in front of a should-be ghost still hadn't left. "Yo-" You're supposed to be dead. She stopped the words before she could get them all out. They didn't seem appropriate for the situation but, then again, what did? Never did she think she would find herself face to face with the woman that had left so long ago. For the longest time she had thought that her mother had left because she didn't like her children, that she loved Eris so much she decided to take her and run away to start a new life. Then there was the rumor that she had gone away to die and, that being the very last that she had ever heard, was what Rachias had settled on and coped with. There wasn't much that Rachias could remember, just that very faint scent and that horrible looking eye. She had accepted that her mother was dead a long time ago.

"We thought you went away to die." It was all that she could manage, the only thing that she could muster that would explain her shock at seeing the woman. Maybe she really had run away with Eris after all.


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