Sweet Summer Time
326 words. hope you don't mind me assuming jazper was a lil off-course, that's sort of the impression i got from your first post. ^^;

Holy crap, this guy was huge. Ares hadn't ever met someone as big as this wolf, and gaped openly for a second. Tokyo was petite; her two children both took after her in that respect, which meant his father was probably pretty small too. Star was a coyote, and scrawny at that. Savina had been big enough to impress Ares, but wow... This black wolf. The bigger guy could just crush him, if he wanted. He hadn't just been sitting here with a boat; that was a dumb thing for Ares to think. Of course he was still moving it, that was the scraping sound. Of course he was taking it to the lake. Except.. he was off-course, a little. Mumbled, simply: "I'm sorry."

He introduced himself. Jazper Rhiannon-Knight? What a mouthful. The name was familiar but Ares could not for the life of him remember why. How would he have heard it before? He shook his head, trying to dislodge whatever memory it was from whatever crack it was hiding in, but nothing fell out. "It's nice to meet you though, I'm Ares Chance." He was almost starting to believe that he really was Ares. Sure, in his thoughts he still often slipped back to addressing himself as his birth name of Buttface, but the more people who met and knew him as Ares the more steadily he was shifting into a more positive self-perception.

He hesitated, glancing at the boat and idly scratching his head with one head. "I think the lake is a little more that way though." He pointed. "I can help you get it there, if you want." Ares walked over towards it, picking up the rope that had been set down and examining it, avoiding the glance of the other wolf. He was sorta intimidating in his size. "How does it help you fish, though?" He asked, genuinely curious, having never really tried hunting of any sort in this shifted form.


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