And All That Jazz
The girl chuckled semi-loudly at the tall males remark about himself being tall. She thought that it must be a bad dream to be shorter than his superiors. Well, she had to agree that being tall had advantages. Reaching hard to reach places and what not. The girl was pleased to be her normal size, like some prefer to be. She had her hands behind her back as she looked angley left to the ground, while she just rocke her body left and right as she produced a playful smile on her face. "Would be a nightmare if you were short, wouldn't it?"

Flayra watched as the male left the room to another room that had sofas around the fireplace. She followed him into the room as he sat down, offering her a seat. She nodded her head as she sat down on one of the single sofas that was next to the couch Jazper sat down on. He then spoke of his reason of what brought him here to CD. He had adoptive parents who joined Naniko and Savina. Flayra heard of Savina, but hasn't met her yet. However, who was his real parents. Did they abandon him as a child. "That sounds interesting. Who were your... adoptive parents?"

Flayra then looked down at her scared arm as it brought back the memories. A rogue, then someone saved her from it. If it wasn't for this wolf that came saved her form the rogue that tried to rip through her arm, she would have been dead before she even joined Dahlia de Mai. "It's a story, none the less. I was four months old. I was traveling in the forests in the north-east, until I was ambushed by a rogue that grabbed my arm. He was pulling at it, trying to tear it off. Then, he just stopped. Stopped moving. I saw a small stick that was sticking out of his back. It was getting blurry, due to blood loss, but I saw someone approaching from the bushes, carrying some kind of weapon. I couldn't see his face, but he had this feathery robe on. Black, I think. He picked me up and carried me somewhere. I just whited out afterward. However, when I woke up, my arm was bandaged and I had the blood cleaned off. I didn't know what happened, but I saw him, standing there, asking if I was ok. He still wore that robe of black feathers. I can't remember his name though."

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