the moon is not your mother.
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Hooray. X3 Do me a favor, though, and don't let Brooklyn drop her last name? She knew Misery and she knew Ahren was close with her, and Brooklyn sharing her last name would just cause too much curiosity for Kae to be all "RAWRIAMKAE." XD

    The coyote considered her predicament, wondering whether it would be smarter to just head home for now and come back later, maybe tomorrow—if the rain finally broke. It seemed to have rained for the last two days straight, only occasionally offering the briefest respite from the constant precipitation. Kaena had always been rather neutral regarding the rain; it didn't bother her, and she wasn't afraid of thunder like some she'd met, but neither did she adore storms. They were irritating, more often than not; storms dulled the senses and made it more difficult to see, smell, and hear.

    As the hybrid considered, she did not have to wait long to make up her mind—it was made up for her. A white bullet sprinted across the meadow, making a beeline for Inferni. Kaena smelled an unfamiliar, distant pack, and took off after the she-wolf without hesitation, picking up the pace. She was not a particularly great runner, but she was determined to catch the wolf before she entered Inferni territory. The coyote bolted after the wolf, using a far more wolfish run than the coyote trot she usually preferred.

    "Hey," she called out sharply as they came to the Inferni border. The white skulls gleamed and beaded water from their flat, white surface. "Stop," she added. She didn't have much of a right to do anything on neutral territory, but the wolf was clearly headed for Inferni's borders. The coyote's tail flicked back and forth, and she caught up, closing the distance between herself and the ghost-white she-wolf. Her golden eye flared anger. "Going somewhere?" the ashen hybrid said, glaring at the white wolf.


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