please don't take my sunshine away

___ He entered the most southeastern section of Crimson Dreams' territory, letting himself recline on the pebbled shore of the lake. Though he wasn’t a member here, Apollo didn’t feel guilty for trespassing on their lands. After all, he had grown up here and family friends were the pack’s leaders. He doubted anyone would come along and want to chuck him out of the borders so easily. And even if that did happen to occur, Apollo would of course just easily explain his motives for being there. He had come to visit Savina. The beach house had started to get lonely, and Apollo could use a little ray of sunshine in his day.

___ But first, he was going to relax. One forearm rested on a bent knee, while his other palm was pressed flat against the shore, supporting his weight. He smiled at a lone goose as it took off from the water. It seemed odd to find it here all alone. Didn’t they migrate? With a small chuckle to himself, Apollo collapsed onto his back. His mismatched eyes studied the clouds in the sky. They weren’t big, puffy, and white as he would have hoped. Instead, they were a light slate grey that looked much like a blanket. Though it wasn’t raining at the moment, he wouldn’t have been surprised if the skies opened sometime during the course of the day. Taking in a large breath of air, Apollo closed his eyes, feeling completely content for the moment.


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