right back over the edge.

-phail.- i had a long week at work. D: they made me wake up extra early too many times ;; i swear there's something wrong with me, even if I'm bloody exhausted i can't sleep before midnight. x_x

"Oh?" A golden ear flicked as Kaena mentioned a subject he knew overwhelmingly little about: history. Anselm had a strong tendency to live day by day and in a sense his survival depended on it. He'd seen too much to dwell on the past and remain sane; he'd grown too paranoid to focus on the future without doing the same. When you got down to it, the caramel hybrid wanted to be normal... but something deep down in his brain bade him otherwise and he fought with it constantly. The only effective way to control it, he'd found, was to block out the past as much as possible, taking only key lessons as a guide for the present. He drew worries over the future back to the present by resolving to cross any bridges as he came to them. As far as he was concerned, it was all random anyway.
Then again, that didn't mean that certain patterns and trends couldn't emerge from the never-ending chaos. It seemed like Kaena had experienced something similar to the situation with Haku in the past, and he was now intensely curious about it. "What of the transition;" he wondered aloud, "the fall from grace? Surely it takes a remarkable event to turn a leader into an outcast," he mused. He'd been a subleader here, gotten fucked off his ass on psychedelics and wondered off without a trace since he couldn't handle (or maybe comprehend) the fact that he was a father (idiot). Still, he'd been welcomed back with open arms. He'd gotten in scraps with members of other packs before, too; still he was welcome here. Haku had obviously brought some amount of hardship upon the Dahlians and still he waited patiently in line to take the reigns--what could he possibly do that would be the defining moment? Was it something big, or was he thinking about this all wrong.. maybe it was merely the single straw that broke the camel's back, and nothing so spectacular?
On the subject of Cour, he frowned. "I'm not sure; Gabriel didn't say," he said, now wondering himself. "I didn't get the impression she knew anybody here in particular, so coming 'just to visit' seems unlikely. In that case, I can only assume there was one reason--the very same for me going to scout out the other packs." He shrugged--once more, his tendency to assume the worst in others shone. Maybe he was just being ridiculous, but could they really afford to suppose otherwise? Although simply keeping tabs on things was not an act of war or malice itself, Anselm was uncomfortable with the idea of them having any advantage or knowledge that wasn't mutual. While he still wasn't awfully concerned about any threat they may pose, he was now somewhat suspicious--enough to make his investigation more thorough, when before he may have simply passed on through to get a general idea.

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