She ran until her feet refused to hold

Sisterly conflict!

Brooklyn no longer cared. How dare Savina suggest something like this? How dare she think that removing Nani would make everyone love her? The girl had stormed out of the meeting with no look back, not able to face the way everyone had taken the news. Lying down, like cowards. How could they just remove her mother like that, as if she were a rag doll? Naniko was innocent, Brooklyn was sure of it. Her mother, an addict. How ludicrous. So she would take it upon herself to prove them all wrong, come hell or high water. She'd hastily thrown her coat over her fur, to hide herself better. White would stand out too much. Without a word, she was out of the manor, running towards the city. She would find her mother and bring justice.

The girl no longer feared anything. What was there to fear? She would find no comfort in Crimson Dreams any more. Haven would need to find out, of course. Mati knew and the girl had to pause and decide where she stood with her sister. Could she convince her to act against Savina? "Mati will need to know," she whispered to herself. No matter. For now, finding her mother would be enough. They hadn't even let her stay there, they hadn't even allowed her to defend herself. Cowards and fools, the lot of them. She would show them. Leaving the lands, the girl threw her head back, shaking the bangs out of her face. She was alone, utterly alone. A prince saving the princess. Brooklyn smiled. Savina would get her comeuppance very, very soon.


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