She ran until her feet refused to hold

Back from absence now! Should we PM James about joining next?

Brooklyn stood proud before her sister, but it was becoming clear that the adrenaline was wearing off. She had been so confident to begin with, she truly believed that there was more than what had been shared at the meeting, that she could genuinely save Naniko on her own, prove her innocence. But now Mati stood before her steadfastly, unwilling to budge, and the spectre of Haven rose between them. She did not want to blame him, not once, but to keep blame from him meant that she would point the finger at her mother, because one had run off and the other had hidden the danger inside the pack. Haven had faced his problems, Naniko had endangered the whole pack, had nearly killed Cambria. Brooklyn's eyes filled with tears and she looked to the sky, trying to make sense of everything. "You're right... I wish I..." Brooklyn's voice faltered. Could she admit to her own guilt now? Was she guilty for not seeing the change in her mother? Had she herself been blinded?

Mati relented, but the girl felt none of the usual happiness at winning an argument against her system. Perhaps this was the true sign of growing up, that all petty joys of childhood were slipping away, that now she could carry the burden of this and not waver. And thankfully she was not alone. When her sister turned to walk towards Halifax, Brooklyn wiped her eyes and followed her sister. "Thank you, sis." She'd hardly ever used that word, but now, as they both walked towards the uncertainty of what would be in Halifax, it seemed oddly fitting.

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