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As far as the golden hybrid was concerned, he'd already seamlessly re-integrated into clan life. His old den in the caves was freshly marked as his own, he'd met up with two of the three canines he really was concerned with, he'd feasted until he couldn't swallow another bite, and now he was out on the road collecting "data."
The red eyed male had woke sometime around noon and headed due south. As he neared the claimed territory, he allowed his form to shrink and readjust--Anselm generally prefered his halfling form, though he understood business as his was best conducted while looking as unobtrusive and unthreatening as possible: in plain old quadruped form.
When he reached the Valley's borders, his tail instinctively moved between his legs and his head dropped. The latter was not a direct result of submission--it was more for the sake of investigation. He inhaled deeply and regularly, his brain dissecting the various signals and scents that came up through his nose. Over a dozen different scents were noted, approximately equal numbers of males and females... seemingly no young children, but perhaps they were locked up deep within the bowels of the pack's land.
Satisfied with his initial survey, he resolved it was time for a more in depth analysis. The easiest way to obtain such information? To simply ask. Anselm's ears perked up as he squinted into the forest--it was best to avoid leaders and he didn't want to draw attention to himself if any were nearby. Trotting along until he discovered a portion of the border where the leadership's scents were weaker (two males, he noted and filed away), he let out a high pitched, inquisitive yap. A howl would be too bold, but this way he'd win the attention of any passerbys without seeming suspicious. Next it was time to wait. If he didn't receive a response within a few minutes, he'd move on and try again elsewhere.

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