The more I live, I see this life's not about me
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!! out of character.


As she sat she watched as he followed suit. Svara was pretty sure she knew what he wanted, but maybe she was wrong. When he did reply to her his words were duclet and made her grin. Drawing her knees up and resting her arms on the tops of her raised legs Svara felt comfortable. "I see no problem if you stay here Heath." Svara said as her yellow eyes watched him. His insicurities were cute, but Svara was sure he would change with age.

"You can come to the house if you want to stay there." She said without hesitation. Still the smell of Ruri was somewhere near, but she couldn't figure where she was smelling it from. Was it on Heath? It was ineffable for her, so she thought better then to bring it up into words. "That is if you want your home to be Cour Des Miracles." Svara said with a bored glance to the water.


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