close my eyes and wait for the bomb.
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I know, right? This thread is oddly fun, even though there's basically nothing going on yet! XD I'm tired as cheese and I'm replying when I should be sleeping, haha. x3 Ah, well, maybe writing one post will give me juice for one more. xD

    The hybrid woman did not know what to make of the mostly-wolf creature before her. She did not smell distinctly of anything other than herself, and open wilderness. There were vaguely familiar scents on her, things and places Kaena had passed by but not bothered to memorize. Members of a group always carried an indistinct mask of scent, composed of the multitude of their companions and a little bit of their homeland. This wolf-hybrid was surely lacking that scent of belonging; the mottled canid before her was surely a wanderer as Kaena herself had been a month and a half ago.

    Verdant eyes studied the chair, and Kaena was not so courteous as to offer a chair, though it wasn't as if the Lykoi woman had claimed the cabin and held rights to its innards. If Kaena hadn't at least sort of desired company of any kind, she would have met the woman at the door with her fangs bared, and summarily dismissed her. There was loneliness somewhere in her soul, and perhaps that was why she allowed the woman to at least state her case before she chased her off—if at all, now. She was an unarmed loner, and at least partially coyote. Kaena's suspicions were confirmed, though the black eyebrow over her good eye lifted in surprise at the second part of what the younger woman divulged.

    A strange sort of smile crossed the ancient, scarred muzzle, and there was an almost imperceptible nod of her head, an acknowledgment, an acceptance. There was no grudge in it; Kaena realized the woman had probably lived her entire life as a wolf proclaiming herself to be one—but she hadn't outright rejected the coyote in her, had she? After all, she wandered the earth as coyotes did, severing whatever wolf bonds that had formerly held her. Her presence here meant she had probably passed by the packs, at the very least least smelled one of them. But here she was, free of any clinging pack scent; that meant something.

    "Now you have," she said, that smirking sort of grin not fading from her mouth. As the storm raged, the younger woman shivered, and made a strange, puppyish noise. Kaena's gaze hadn't wavered from Sofia since she had entered, still regarding her with that deep gold eye, though now the grin had faded, and she looked at Sofia differently. She was still pretty young, and she simply seemed... out of place. There was something still very childish and gentle in her, and at once it awakened Kaena's motherly instinct and a deep sense of disdain. Both rose strongly, and for a long moment Kaena didn't know whether to laugh at her or comfort her.

    Before Kae could do either, Sofia sat down. The grizzled woman did not so much as twitch, though her gaze finally broke from the woman's. She trusted enough that Sofia was not the sort of creature to pull anything insane or stupid. Her attention was drawn to the window behind the candle, framing it neatly in Kaena's one-eyed vision. The thick, handmade glass blurred the external world, though every few minutes another jagged bolt of lightning raced across the sky, illuminating the world for brief instants and the details became clearer. Kaena could see a low, oddly shaped building that appeared to be a stable, since it attached to a corral. She reclined back into the chair slightly, her single eye refocusing on Sofia, taking her in again now that she was closer. Despite her youth, there was something heavy in her face, a sort of gravity Kaena could not identify. "Kaena Lykoi," she replied, tipping her head ever so slightly.

    The grizzled hybrid watched youth shiver, and again that maternal instinct flooded her, and she had to beat it back from her consciousness, carefully keeping her features relatively neutral. It was generally difficult to discern emotion from Kaena's face anyhow; the multitude of scars crossing her face twisted many of her expressions. "What do you think, now that you've met one?" the Lykoi woman asked suddenly, her gaze returning to the candle. There was something barbed buried somewhere deep in her tone. Kaena identified as a coyote and wouldn't tolerate anything else other than "hybrid." Even that was a push in the wrong direction—admitting her mixed blood was one thing, discussing it was another. Though Sofia had readily shared her origins, Kaena was unwilling to do the same.


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