our flesh & blood has found me in your arms.
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_disorder.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Awwww. Poor little tormented Sam. ♥

    The hybrid female inhaled a quiet breath, smelling that unmistakable scent. He was her child, and she would know him no matter how many years passed between them. There was a bond here that was far stronger than anything else the ashen coyote knew, and though it surely was not unbreakable, it took a hell of a lot of effort to shatter it. His red eyes were the same as his father's, that bloodied gaze staring back at her from the grave, but the crimson gaze staring at her did not incite any feelings of rage toward the dead man. He had paid the price for taking Eris, and in the end it had all been a failed venture anyway. She had come home empty-handed, to a burned territory and nothing left. It was lucky she'd even found this place.

    Scarred faces gazed at each other for a long moment, and Samael seemed to recoil for her touch. Horrified, shocked for a moment, the Lykoi matron gazed at him with clear pain in her eyes, wondering why her son would pull away from her. Samael had never shown her anything but the deepest affection and love; there was no invisible wall built between them as there was between Kaena and Gabriel. There was a long, unbearable moment as Samael's ruddy gaze would not meet her single eye, and Kae could only remain, frozen in fear that her Prince had at long last completely rejected her, abandoning her in kind as she had left him behind for Eris. There was no fright for her own life; no matter how mad Samael became, no matter how far the distance between them, she would not be afraid of him.

    At long last, that tawny, scarred face turned to greet her again, that stained-red gaze looking deep into the black pit of her missing eye and the brilliant, raptor-like stare of the remaining eye. He spoke of love, but his voice was strange. Kaena remained quiet for a moment, that fierce eye losing its fear, openly searching Samael's face for a long moment. Something was amiss here, something that ran deeper than just madness. Maybe it was older that the insanity, maybe it had been born of the sickness, Kaena did not know. Realization dawned at her at long last, a terrible realization crashing unwelcome into her brain as she realized just how Samael proposed to love her. She was glad for all her years and all her scars, for it was this that lessened the impact; it was the knotted, twisted things criss-crossing her features which kept them carefully neutral, remaining with only a pained smile.

    It made sense now—the lovely sun-colored coyote before her had always professed to love his mother, the reverence clear in his eyes. Until that moment, Kaena had no idea of the underlying darkness, the incestuous lust that was certainly in violation of every commandment of nature and morality. The coyote kept her face carefully neutral, speaking the words she knew she ought to. She still meant them with every ounce of her being, regardless of how fucked up Samael was. "I love you, too, son," she said, dropping the world ever-so-carefully at the end of her sentence. For all her years and all her experience, the coyote woman did not know how to react to this revelation. It was a crime, it was disgusting, it was against every shredded, frayed rope of morality the ancient hybrid still had within her, and yet...

    A thought crept to the forefront, a sinister, sickening idea that turned the Lykoi woman's stomach even as her own mind produced it. However unholy a potential union between them, however despicable and against the very laws of nature and the earth that bound them temporarily, what was such a union other than... progress? When there was no more room for the love between a mother and son, where else could that rampant love spill but other, closer realms? Love and lust were too close, too easily confused, and the patient, sad smile that had been over the Lykoi woman's scarred muzzle changed imperceptibly, the corners of her charcoal lips turning upwards just the slightest bit more, strengthening that smile that showed just the tips of her yellowed fangs. There was some strange, vague acceptance there, though the Lykoi woman would not yet dare to touch on the subject aloud, and there was still a hefty amount of disturbance in her mind. How could she have failed to see this? It had become increasingly apparent that Samael's feelings and desires were not simply a byproduct of the distemper that had mangled whatever health was left in his head. Maybe he'd always loved her like this.


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