i'm just a pill on your tongue.
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... eather.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Sorry about the delay~
Haha, thanks, ^=^;; Oh yeah, it’s definitely visible, ^=^; She’s due in a little more than a week~ And I have a feeling that this is going to be very short, OuO
And she’s not so much angry as just intense, if that makes sense >u<; Haha, and this is “emotional”-pregnant Cwmfen >__>

The perpetrating wolf spun quickly to face her, surprised by her presence. Such swift movement indicated to the warrior that he had been unaware, and perhaps thusly he would have been unaware of his location. Or perhaps he was simply not expecting to find him as he stepped over the boarders, hoping to explore a land to which he did not have access. But the warrior set such suppositions aside. She knew the laws of these lands, and as Warrior and as Adonis, she had the duty to uphold such laws. This would not be the first time that a creature had stepped over the boarders of Dahlia de Mai. Nikolai Russo had done so, refusing to leave with the justification that he simply wanted to map the area; that was not enough to lay lax the laws of the lands, but the woad female had allowed him to linger nonetheless. Tokyo Chance had done similarly, although she now held their ranks. But the warrior would no longer be so lenient. The actions of her father upon the wolves of her pack had brought to the black fae’s attention the need to keep a vigilance upon the boarders, to be wary of those who came to the boarders.

The black fae would not tolerate the presence of this male within the Dahlian lands. Exceptions should not be made, she knew that and had known that long ago. The woad-marked female was no longer the young, innocent girl who had sought refuge within the Dahlian boarders. Many moons had passed since then, and she knew now that action must be took. And it was action that she knew how to take.

The light hued male looked upon her, and she saw both the fear and the friendliness that he held within his eyes. It was the friendliness that struck the black fae. Perhaps, in different circumstances, she would have lingered to speak with the stranger, but such a thing would not be allowed upon this day. Perhaps he could have been an amiable acquaintance, but today, the male was an enemy, and she would deal with him as she would deal with anyone else of such deemed titles. She trusted very few individuals, and she did not trust this male that had made himself known only a few moments prior. Cwmfen knew of the treacheries that lay within the hearts of all creatures, even within her own, and she did would not risk the safety of her pack upon the mere whims of that friendly gaze.

The calm waters of her soul shifted, a quiet ripple moving across its smooth, glassy surface. The Raven Spear hummed.

He claimed to be of the North. Briefly, the Caledonian-Korean wondered if she had crossed his path before, but his scent was not particularly familiar. "These boarders exist to keep others with out these lands," the soft melody countered with a strange patience once the male had ceased to speak. The white orbs regarded him, a ferocity rising with an unfamiliar celerity. The submissive posture. The fearful glance. They invoked within the female something very familiar, that instinctual expression, that natural response, that she had known upon her travels in the North. It was that lupine song that sung strongly within her, though not as strongly as it had with the pup-eater Brennt. This male had trespassed upon her lands, and his behavior, however benign it may have been, only provoked her belligerent nature. Perhaps it was the aggression that came with pregnant females, but there would be no friendly conversation.

"I explain that you are not welcome here," the soft melody replied suddenly, her soft lilt moving through the air. "You have broken this ancient law. I cannot suffer you to remain here." There was almost an apologetic note within that quiet melody as those white orbs watched the down-casted gaze of the secui male.

The Raven Spear snarled as she stepped forth, moving with a fluidity and celerity that belied her physical state. The Spear lifted from the earth, the hungry blade jabbed forth with that speed and precision. Its song rang like silver glass within her. The blade hungered for his shoulder, but the control of the warrior commanded for but a superficial wound, enough to draw blood but not enough to maim. She did not move to kill him for there was no need, and so she was careful, though her movements did not betray the care that she took with that strike. Immediately, as she stepped forward, the spear swung up as the blade sought to bite again, the heavy shoe swinging in an uppercut that was meant for his jaws. The song of war moved through her with a breathless exhilaration as the tranquility of her face was distorted with a snarl that was made to intimidate and to make manifest the ferocity within the woad warrior.


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