ain't your fairytale
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    Adrenaline sang through the coyote's veins and she felt more alive and awake than ever before, the fight searing through her limbs to her extremeties and making it feel as though she were dancing across the ground inches above it, moving with such speed that the whole rest of the world seemed to slow to a drag around her. The wolf began to shift, her body bulking up and rippling with muscle. There was no evident fear in the Lykoi's body or her features, just that endless anger.

    The pearly-furred woman darted for her legs, and Kaena's jaws immediately arced downward, aiming to deliver a toothy strike to her skull even as she felt fangs clinch on the meaty part of her right foreleg. She struck like a snake, doing her best to ignore the pain even as blood bubbled up from the wound. It wasn't as if it was unfamiliar to the Lykoi woman; it seemed her life consisted of hurt alone. The wet air was tinged with that coppery scent of blood, and the Lykoi woman took a few fast steps back, licking her lips as that single golden-yellow eye studied the wound Xeris had inflicted. It was shallow, but she had drawn first blood, and that drove the Veritas to frenzy.

    She charged again, her body low and her head kept down, exposing just the top of her head and those thickly-furred shoulders to the white wolf as she swept low, presenting the right shoulder in a brutish attempt to sweep the wolf off of her feet. There was another sharp growl issuing from her writhing lips as she charged, echoing forth even through the noise of the storm. The fight had reawakened something ancient in the Lykoi woman, though she surely was not aiming to kill this wolf. Trespasser or not, it did nothing to stir unnecessary conflict between their packs with an unneeded death, and Xeris would be allowed to run away from this place today.


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