A Thorn in My Paw
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... matatf.jpg); background-position: top center; padding-top: 0px; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Set in Shiloh Hills, not too far from CD boarders, ^=^ Also, could we backdate it to yesterday (27th)?

        The pup had slept in. In fact, she had slept so late that the sun, hidden by the still angry (but not too angry) clouds with dark faces, had nearly reached his zenith in the sky. The pup, having risen, trotted over to far wall. Her steps were still quiet despite the contact her little claws made upon the wood, for had practiced that quiet walking, although she could not yet catch the rabbits. Rising up on her hind legs, the little girl pressed her forepaws against the wall, her head craned back so that she could look up and out of the window. The green and blue eyes squinted up at that spot where the sun’s light burned a place in the clouds, and she squinted up at that spot for a long while. It was as if a great contemplation were commencing behind those young eyes, and yet there was nothing of great consequence to contemplate. Perhaps she thought of where she should go while the day was still awake, but in the silence, nothing was certain.

        At length, the young one pushed off of the wall and went flying through the room and down the stairs and through the mansion’s door and then through the still-green fields of summer. Her paws moved with great speed, far greater than what would be expected of her true progress. But her energy was tireless, especially after that long, long nap. Amata smiled brightly as she ran, her tongue lolling happily as she tasted the air, occasionally getting a leaf or a stem or a petal stuck on it. But she just took a deep breath, swallowing or spitting whatever it was out before continuing on her way. And she had been running with such speed that, yet again, she had not even noticed that she had crossed over the boarders of her homeland. But because she did not know that she had crossed into unsafe territory, the girl had very little concern.

        The creamy pup slowed her pace as her eyes, round with the need to see everything, pranced around the landscape. And she, too, pranced about, as she imagined a bird or a butterfly might when walking across these same hills. It was when she began to hum a loud and friendly tune that had no apparent rhythm that she saw a pretty bug. Suddenly, she stopped, lowering herself to the ground in a crouch—it wasn’t a perfect movement, but that was why she practiced. The blue and green eyes glittered excitedly as she watched the bug eat something from the flower. But then, as she watched, it did not seem to be a bug at all, but a strange bird! "Wow," she whispered quietly. Then she jumped up, a poor attempt to pounce on the bird that now flew swiftly away (although it had never been her intention to hurt the bird—it wouldn’t have tasted very good, she decided, because it was so small). And so she simply landed on nothing—only, there was something!

        She yipped and yelped in pain, rearing back immediately from the place on which she had landed. Amata, having fallen on her back, rolled over and tried to run away from the place that hurt, but it only hurt more in her paw. Smartly, she stopped and sat upon her rump, a small whimper coming from her. The girl lifted her paw and peered under it—an awkward feat for an unshifted pup. She thought that she could see a black line poking her pads, but she didn’t know. And she couldn’t see. Tears of pain welled up in her eyes, but as she tried too look around with that wet, blurry vision, she found no one nearby. Amata gave a little howl that rose weakly to the sky before she tried to get up again, but it still hurt. A smaller yelp broke the silence, and she simply sat back down, a little afraid now.


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