feeling demonic harmonic.
[html]Sorry for the delay!

i welcome the sun, the clouds and rain

His little shack was nearly complete. Without the help of the carpenter whom Anu had mentioned, Warren made fair time in fixing up the dwelling. The stairs leading onto the porch were replaced, as with a few of the support beams on the roof. Inside the shack held even fewer problems. Warren mopped the filthy floor and dusted the nooks and crannies, revealing rather well preserved floors and walls. He also righted the overturned bathtub and scrubbed it clean, found a small mattress to put in the rusty bet frame, and re-painted the rickety rocking chair on the porch. It was now completely bright green, standing in sharp contrast against the dark wood of the house. Other than the front one, doors weren't a big deal; he had taken all of them out and chopped them up to be used as firewood later in the year. So, for all his work, Warren was basically finished. A few of the windows were busted, however, and he wasn't sure how he was going to deal with them. Perhaps he would call on that carpenter after all.
One thing he still needed to do was patch up a large hole in the roof. He hadn't intended to save this task for last—after all, who wanted a leaky roof?—but new shingles were difficult to find, so he carried on with his other repairs until the steady drip of water from the almost daily showers grew too annoying for the hybrid. Delving deeper into the city than he usually did, Warren finally found a large and strange smelling hardware store. It had been looted many times; busted paint cans rolled across the floor as the gray man waded through the cluttered store, picking his way carefully through in order to avoid stepping on sharp or broken objects. Finally he found what he was looking for. There were just enough shingles still intact for the hybrid to use, and he happily took them, stuffing them into the bag slung over his shoulder. Feeling cheerful knowing that his renovations were on their way to completion, Warren turned to leave, grabbing a pack of nails on his way out.
The silence of the barren streets was interrupted by the noisy closing of a door—it wasn't Warren's. The tall hybrid stopped suddenly in his tracks, one foot on the street and the other on the sidewalk, the fur on the back of his neck on end. He hadn't encountered anyone during his past trips to the city oddly enough, so the prospect of meeting someone now was foreign to him. Blue eyes scanned the street and found the source of the noise. A silver woman was making her way down the street, her back to him. She too had a bag slung over her back. Curious, Warren began walking again, trailing along slowly behind her. "Hello?" he called out, head and ears titled ever so slightly to show he was friendly.


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