It seems I have a secret I didn't know about

Did I mention I'm just as bad? :p Sorry - been out of the country and stuff - no internet, and then I just failed for a two-days ish. Also this post is made of poo.

time will heal even a heart of steel

It seemed this Jefferson did not crave small-talk, which was perhaps for the best. Most of the time, Mew was not very skilled at this. By his words about Geneva, it wasn't hard to understand what he really meant, but as he was not acting authoritative and she had not crossed any boundaries, she simply nodded and replied; "I see." The smile on her maw remained as she took in his next words, ears twitching when her brother's name reached them. There was no time to comment, however, as he delivered news she had no knowledge of before she could think. What - half brother?! As in her own, as well as Haku's, obvioussly. But why had no one ever told her? She had never heard of Maluki. And here she was, with her pride in knowing her family line. It seems she knew nothing at all. Feeling foolish, and with her face in confused and surprised folds, she merely stood there a moment, dumbfounded. "What— I—" Pausing, she thought rapidly as she hastily collected herself and normalized her eye width. He was certainly not Lisichka's. No; now that he'd said so, there were traces of her mother —their mother— in him, which could only mean one thing. What had her mother been up to? A blush rose to her cheeks, easily visible through her light pelt, but she did not look away. "I'm sorry... nobody told me." Now, she glanced to the ground, but quickly decided she should add something to her apology. "Don't get me wrong though —I'm just surprised!"


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