It seems I have a secret I didn't know about

Uh-oh Tongue A bit long, sorry about that, suddenly my muse is attacking me. Word Count: 515

time will heal even a heart of steel

Her face was attentive and she nodded at the appropriate places as he spoke. Until he mentioned hsi coyote blood, that was. She lost her grip a moment, but attempted to shake it off. He continued talking, and she tried her hardest to pay attention to him as well as hide the shock. Honestly? She had been so fascinated by his bizarre appearance, and then their shared blood, to even begin noticing that somewhere under all those scars, there were a few traits that resembled those of a coyote. He spoke of memory loss, of waking up missing an eye and bloodied and instinctively she thought: Good. In a way his words proved to her what she knew all along; that coyotes were violent creatures. How else would he have found himself in such a situation, without memory, lacking an eye, and covered in scars? Her views on that species could be extreme, and she would find confirmation for her twisted hatred wherever she wanted to. Now, in her mind, the figure of her half-brother turned into the very idea of everything she hated, and she had to work furiously to retain her control and harness her instincts. They were the ones that had taken everything from her, and now she found that her mother — her mother of all people! — had sullied the family name with this.. this filth of a race. Cross-breeding: the thought was enough to make her hurl, and here he was, a bastard child (for that was what he became in seconds, in her eyes), a cross-breed. In her family. She struggled, but a smile was faint when she attempted to continue the conversation as normal. I doubt she'd recognize me anymore, anyway. No, probably not. Because surely she could not want to acknowledge him. It was a disgrace.

She stood still a moment, wordless. Though her hatred burned on forever in her heart, furiously, something in her stopped her from lashing out at this one. Maybe because he shared her blood, or maybe because he was the head of his own pack. No; his rank couldn't mean less to her. She was the sister of Haku Soul, the cousin of Cercelee. She had relatives everywhere, that would support her in her crusade; she knew it. Yet instead of lashing him with the words she wished to spit in every coyote's face, she stood silently, shaken. Finally giving in, she continued on the subject of their mother, but her voice was not the same. "Well.. She never was much for taking care of her children.", she mumbled, gaze falling to the ground. When they rose again, only moments later, they moved here and there and did not settle on his face. "I think... that I should go now.", she said bluntly and took steps in a direction away from him, yet she did not leave outright. This was not how to behave, but she had not been prepared for this. Still, she would try to patch together a mask of someone decent, before heading home to fume with anger. In solitude.


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