Everything Changes With Time
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OOC: Life failed momentarly, sorry for the wait.

"Naniko." He spoke the name for at least the hundredth time that day. This house was part of the older buildings category. It wasn't just old, it was, well, ancient. The door was breaking down, little holes allowing the sunset light to peirce threw to the other side. The door creaked as he closed it behind him. The house looked like no one, not even someone of his own kinda, had set foot within it. He shrugged his shoulder, readjusting his backpack strap on his shoulder. His amber eyes took in his surroundings: dust, cobwebs, and more dust. He sniffled slightly as he started up the old marble staircase. "Nani, you here?" He called once more. This place would be perfect to hide her scent from unwanted intruders. It was so hard to breath though. With a sigh he looked out the window, the smell of a fire in the distance was the only scent out of the ordinary.

Starting back down the stairs he looked around at the dusty front entrance once more. It really was elegant. Stepping out of the dwelling he pouted to himself. The sun was setting on another unsuccessful day. He was sure his ex-leader was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, and had been since before he could, but that didn't stop him from wanting to make sure she okay. The smell of fire grew and suddenly his attention drifted as the familiar scent of the white wolfess started him off. Where was the smell coming from? His golden eyes swayed back and forth searching for the fire as he went towards toe scent against his instincts. Naniko's scent grew stronger as the horrible smell of fumes strengthened. Finally, as he turned a corner his lightning colored eyes stared in shock at the large flaming building before him, and the sight of his white friend standing in front of it. "Nani..?" He spoke silently questioning why she was so close to a burning building. The black Knight's yellow eyes and new tattoo seemed to jump out from his dark coat. Was she okay?


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