the summer swells in.
whoop! -generally too lazy to do the thread prompts but agrees that anselm would be peeved about something like this.- XD

@#$%&Anselm had been aware of the male wolf for a couple of days now. Initially he mistook the scent trails as those of a hapless wanderer, as they meandered inside of Inferni territory only briefly. As time wore on, however, he came to realise these events were not driven by chance. It was the same scent and it penetrated deeper and deeper into claimed territory each time. Every so often he'd stumble across one of Bastardo's markings and cover it with his own; when the trails were fresh, he'd try in vain to locate their source. Every time, the elusive wolf slipped into a stream or marshy part of the land (which wasn't difficult to do these days) and the trail was lost.

@#$%&Needless to say, the territorial hybrid was livid. When was this guy coming? Anselm had increased the frequency of his patrols, trying his best to make a round once every morning, noon, and evening. He never covered the same ground at the same time twice a week, but Bastardo seemed wily enough to realise coming to the same spot twice was a bad idea. His trails were always somewhere new, and he was growing more and more creative in his disrespect. This one, though, would take the fucking cake.

@#$%&By luck or coincidence, Anselm had been sniffing along the same trail as Kaena, though in the opposite direction. She was downwind from him, however, and he didn't yet realise she was in the area. Crouched low in his preferred form, the seccui, the hybrid caught the sounds of someone up ahead. Adrenaline pumped through his veins and he charged, hackles raised wildly and eyes ablaze--a truly intimidating sight. As soon as he spotted his aunt friend in the distance, his hackles settled and he came to a skidding halt as he regarded her distraught expression. His gaze now dropped to the smashed bones at her feet, and a whuff of air escaped his nose as he exhaled violently. "I'm going to fucking kill him," he said darkly, then nothing more for a few long moments. "I take it he's not back that way either, then. Bloody hell, how does he keep slipping through the cracks?"

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