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........for Merit :]

stay here, lie with me here

........The Concrete Jungle sprawled out before Beppe as he approached, and with each step he took the buildings seemed to grow taller, looming over him like skeletons of mechanical giants. At home, there were intricate castles and the houses were carved out of stone, not poured into moulds. Despite the strange climate and environment, this difference struck the European boy the most. He had never seen a skyscraper before, and it was especially odd to set his eyes on such a dilapidated one.

........Being careful not to step on any of the broken glass that littered the streets while also keeping his eyes on the giants above him, Beppe wound his way through the town. He dipped through narrow alleyways, running his hands along the rough walls, and found a strange fascination with the places where one couldn't even see the sky. He couldn't imagine what the place would be like with people in it, or what it would look like at night, lit up. It was a sad sort of thing; he might have liked to see that. The limited history that this land had was buried under so much rubble and dirt.

........He had almost lost himself among the alleyways and the scummy roads, and didn't become fully conscious again until he turned the corner onto a wide road. Red lanterns hung from lamposts along each side, and the architecture had changed dramatically. The boy felt as if he had transitioned from black and white to the Technicolor era.

........Beppe had stopped in his tracks, and only after a moment started walking again. After the most obvious things started to sink in, the more subtle ones did, like the soft trickling of water in the distance. "Mamma mia," he whispered to himself, eyes jumping from side to side. The eerieness of the place was almost palpable, and the boy was conscious of the need to walk very quietly. Amber eyes struggling to take everything in, Beppe began to make his way towards the sound of water.


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