sweet like candy to my soul
Sunshine danced lackadaisically across Inferni's sandy shores, lighting the inlet of the Bay of Fundy that pressed harshly to Hades Beach in sparkles of green, blue, and white. A spectrum of these lights reflected onto larger rocks lining the water, insisting, in some manner, that it was a beautiful place.
Hades Beach was Valkyrie's favourite haunt, as everybody in the territory knew well, despite its rough sand, its pebbly, hard-to-walk-on surface, and the way the water sucked hard back into the ocean like a threat. She knew full well a kid could get lost in those waves, pulled inexorably toward a fate they could not fight, but it had never deterred her as an infant. Her mother had taken her here frequently, and here she frequently returned.
Growing up was not without its prices. Valkyrie had never forgot the day she had come to know that Hybrid Holocaust was her father, but she had never spent any time with the man, and the thought had failed to cross her mind of late. She was a teen now, developing fully — where had these breasts come from anyway? — and her mind was, predictably, elsewhere.
She threw her arms out to the sides as she hopped onto one of several medium-sized rocks, balancing precariously on slim, feminine toes as she cupped one hand over her eyes and stared out at the horizon. Her dress — a simple coral halter, no design, with little flare at the midway point of her thighs — was adorned with a thin brown belt drawn carefully about her slim waist, the silver buckle catching and shining the light across the sand.
She didn't realise quite how alike this inverted peninsula she was. If it had a personality, it would surely be crafted after her by delicate fingers.
The girl sat down heavily on the sand, her black braid swinging and hitting her back a little. Someday, she would get it all taken off, styled nicely, and keep it that way… But for now she braided it, although it was yet short, to keep it back out of her sandy-coloured face.

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