they came to cure the fever of my brain.
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This is backdated about a month, to July 20. D: Sorry. Happens after this thread. Kae needs healingz. XD

OOC Ending: Kaena moves a bit and grumbles something unintelligible, and Gabriel and Jezebel carry her off to the caves and fix her up as best they can! (And this is only here because unless I add it I will have no idea how it ended! XD)

    Though it had seemed the Veritas had taken only a short jaunt outside of coyote territory, the walk back was excruciating. There were several wounds marring her body, the most severe of which was certainly the chunk of flesh missing from her neck, just above her shoulder blade. It was the place where her mane was the thinnest, and that devil-wolf had taken her very meat from her bones and devoured it. The hybrid woman's snarl was not of anger now, but simple pain—she staggered through the woods with her head waving from side to side. The coyote was close to losing consciousness, but she pressed onward, intent on collapsing inside of Inferni's borders if it was anywhere.

    The hybrid woman saw before her the gleaming skulls, doubled and tripled and dancing before her wavering vision. A soft whine escaped her throat, and a flooding sense of relief filled her. She did not remember the last however long it had been—that thing had taken over inside of her. It had felt like hours between the time her teeth had hurtled at that wolf again and when she came to, but in reality it had been less than five minutes. The chocolate-cream body before her had spoken volumes, however, and the coyote woman did not need to question him. It was the dark thing inside of her which had saved her, this time—resurfacing from deep within the hybrid woman to protect her life instead of shatter pieces of it.

    Heavy paws plodded over the territory's border, the rain beginning to clear. It had washed most of the red from her fur, but even still it leaked, oozing slowly from her neck and cheek most prominently. Frothy pink covered her mouth and muzzle, and her tongue lolled, allowing the remnants of the cooling drizzle to fall on it. Home, she thought, a simple, single word the last thing in her consciousness before it swirled away from her, swallowed by the gray rim around her vision. The coyote fell slowly, crumbling to her belly rather than falling on either side. Her forepaws stretched in front of her, and her legs were splayed to the side. It was clear the coyote hybrid was simply not resting, her roan muzzle outstretched and pointed toward the heart of Inferni territory.


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