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Rendall nodded in agreement, it seemed like forever since she first met all of them, and now look where they were? Ty finally got a job that suited him, and Xeris and Pendzez were together, it seemed like life here was turning out to be pretty good. The girl sighed happily, even though the pouring rain sent shivers down her spine. She turned to look at Ty, then to the white noble, and then to Xeris, always like a big sister to her, even more than a big sister now.

She was happy for them all, she just hopped the saddness in her heart didnt show in her eyes. It was a sad fact that she would indeed be leaving them. Most wolves thought she was too young to leave, but, she needed to clear things up before coming back to Pheonix Vally. Face her demons. She wagged her tail, it wouldnt be so bad, she would come back soon. And would write everyone all the time to allow them to know of her travels. She had it all planned, but life had a way of ruining your plans so that you can live out its own. She just hopped that lifes plans includded her coming home to her friends.

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