like the tides of my life
whee! i forgot where you said her room was, oops, so i just won't go into that. XD;. do all these rooms have beds? i'm assuming that they do, but if you don't picture one in princess' room i can edit my post np~ 423 words

It wasn't hard to find Princess' room, but it wasn't really supposed to be. Everyone seemed to respect the privacy of everyone else, just like Mati said they would, as surprising as it still seemed to Ares. However, there was quite a difference between a pack member and a sister. He had rights here, in her room, that he didn't have elsewhere. For example, the right to figure out what the hell all this stuff she had was. She owned a ridiculous amount of clothing! What the hell did you need all that for?! He himself only had a handful of different dress shirts and two pairs of pants, and that alone seemed to create an overwhelming amount of options to pick from.

The first bag he found he pulled out every article of clothing, holding it up to examine the cut of it, the feel of the garment, the intricate delicate bits of lace or embroidery here and there. The fascinating patterns. How strange, that so much effort would go into things like this! Every item he folded up and placed back, probably folding it more neatly and precisely than it had been previously.

Ares stopped looking partway through, but he carefully felt the bottom and sides of the bag, checking if Princess had hidden anything with these clothes. He found nothing particularly unusual feeling, though, so he returned the bag to where he found it. He reached under her bed, which looked primarily empty, but it never hurt to check. A faint clink startled him, and a gray hand pulled out a bottle of some sort of liquid.

Clambering up onto her bed cross-legged, he examined it. The bottle was cool in his hands, frigid along with the afternoon rain storms. He didn't feel like getting wet, so he was going for an adventure that allowed him to stay dry - investigating Princess' room. He raised the bottle to his nose. A strong smell permeated, even through the glass. Weirddd. It was a very.. bitter, sort of odd edge to the smell, sort of like some sort of poison but not really, not really that dangerous or anything. He twisted off the cap, the sharp metal bits making his palm a little sore. Putting the bottle to lips, he took a mouthful, and instantly had to repress the urge to spit it out. It was so gross tasting! Swirling it around, he finally swallowed, although from there he just scowled at the bottle, annoyed at the wasted effort of opening it.

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